A bit like Harry Potter, but not quite, this year’s Knitting & Crochet Blog Week is split into 4 houses.The four houses are:
The House of Bee: Bees are busy and industrious, but can flit from one interesting project to the next as bright and shiny things capture their interest.
The House of Manatee: Manatees are gentle, calm and cuddly. Relaxed and unflashy they represent the comfort and soft side of knitting and crochet.
The House of Monkey: Intelligent and with a fun loving side, Monkeys like to be challenged with every project presenting them with something new and interesting.
The House of Peacock: Peacocks take something good and make it brilliant. Buttons, embellishments and a bit of sparkle prove that perfection lies in the details – like a Peacock's Tail.
I am
a Bee
a Bee
I am not
usually content to work on only one project to the finish. My attention span needs regular
stimulation, so I often have 2 or 3 active projects at any one time, and I’ve
got at least a dozen WIPs (works in progress) that are sitting in my closet
waiting for me to turn my attention back to them.
I don’t focus on only one type of project or yarn. I have made things from materials as small as sewing thread
and as large as super bulky yarn, household goods to garments, tiny bookmarks
to bed-sized afghans.
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